Friday, March 4, 2016

American Horror Story tribute; season 2 "ASYLUM"

I was so taken by the FX television show "American Horror Story" that I was inspired to write something to commemorate this extraordinary creative turn of industry. Looking back now FIVE SUCCESSFUL SEASONS one wonders if the initial concept for the show was ever a "Risky" pitch.

But as the YUGE shadow of Streaming channel programming loom over broadcast network real estate, it stands to reason that newer, more "experimental" concepts are being courted by the likes of "The Big Four" (CBS, ABC, NBC, & FOX).

Cable Net AMC seems to be leading the way with the now classic WALKING DEAD series but FX network's AMERICAN HORROR STORY really struck a nerve in me.

I am a long -time Horror/Gore movie fan, cherishing fond memories of watching first-run features in the grand urban decay of the Grind-houses on 42nd St., circa 1970'2. Ryan Murphy's ever-evolving series tells a different (horrific) story every season. So far, my favorites are seasons 3 (Coven) and 2 - ASYLUM.  This is a hip hop song that celebrates this twisted and intriguing tale of terror.

The Asylum
DJ Thanos feat. James Avatar & Philly G.
American Horror Story; Asylum TRIBUTE
Written by James Avatar & Phillip Gelbach
Produced by James Avatar for 1REV media ©2016

Who’s runnin’ the asylum? Who’s runnin’ the asylum? Who’s runnin’ the asylum?
Open up the window, let the devil out, Open up the window, let the devil out,
Open up the window, let the devil out, let the devil out, let the devil out, let the devil out,
let the devil out, let the devil out, let the devil out

I wanna talk to the boss cause somethin ain’t right
Everybody’s goin Crazy in the house tonight
Got the Devil upstairs with the red dress on
Evil in the basement / Dr. Nazi pricks you
with a needle and into your vein
go the horror and pain / sing the name game
go Lana-Lana-Fo-Fanna and then you go silent
I just wanna know, Who’s runnin’ the asylum?
I just wanna know, Who’s runnin’ the asylum?

Back to the sixties, rewind the clock
Strap you down for the Electroshock
Grit ya teeth and get ready for the white heat
Ordered by the nun, certified by the priest
Undercover reporter blamed cause she likes the Jane
Stings from the cane is a brand new pain
Spit into the air your medication
When the mothership come, better run, better run
When the mothership come, better run
When the mothership come, better run

I gotta holla at somebody cause somethin ain’t right
Everybody’s goin Crazy in the house tonight
Got the Devil upstairs with the red dress on
Evil in the basement / Dr. Nazi pricks you
with a needle and into your vein
go the horror and pain now sing the name game
go Lana-Lana-Fo-Fanna and then you go silent
I just wanna know, Who’s runnin’ the asylum?, Who’s runnin’ the asylum?

When the mothership come, better run, better run
When the mothership come, better run
When the mothership come, better run, better run
When the mothership come, better run
Open up the window, let the devil out, Open up the window, let the devil out,
Open up the window, let the devil out, let the devil out, let the devil out, let the devil out,
let the devil out, let the devil out, let the devil out

I gotta holla at somebody cause somethin ain’t right
Everybody’s goin Crazy in the house tonight
Got the Devil upstairs with the red dress on
Evil in the basement / Dr. Nazi pricks you
with a needle and into your vein
go the horror and pain now sing the name game
go Lana-Lana-Fo-Fanna and then you go silent
Let the devil out - , Who’s runnin’ the asylum?
Let the devil out - , Who’s runnin’ the asylum?
Let the devil out - , Who’s runnin’ the asylum?

Monday, February 1, 2016

"it's A New York Shame" ; a native's Hip Hop Anthem.

I wanted write a song from my heart that really said exactly what I feel about the place I come from. Born in Spanish Harlem and raised in the Bronx, I've watched the cityscape change from the 60's to the present day. Some of the memories & experiences were good. This song is not about them.

This song is about all the embarrassments, hidden pockets of urban blight, absurd scandals and annoyances that only a Homeboy or Homegirl from the hoods of New Yawk could relate to.

A downtempo, Old School pulsing rhythm, with trippy guitar lines frame a strong hook which sets up a First verse that I can say I am proud of.

The new EP release, "Respect The Playlist", produced by myself and brilliant composer PHILLIP GELBACH is now available on iTunes/Apple Music.